Thursday, October 29, 2009

Media, Msyogny and Myth, OH MY!

**Disclaimer: I actually wrote this a couple of days ago, but I had to make some adjustments prior to publishing it.***

Being a woman is more than just wearing feminine clothes and make-up or even being anatomically different from males …however, some people choose to ignore that. I do not consider myself a feminist, but I do believe that as a result of our hyper-sexual, gender-role coveting, female objectifying society, a woman’s social contributions –whether it be in the form of anthropological find that alters history, or even an invention that makes day to day life easier to live—are commonly overlooked by whether the woman in question fits into a construction of beauty. Why is it that you have to be “beautiful” as a woman, in order to be taken seriously?

Last night I happened to stumble upon the most grotesque example of misogyny that I have seen in a great while. While most instances of this ideology [misogyny] are subliminal in nature, this was the most visibly obvious presentation. For those of you who are unaware of what the LFL is, let me lay it down for you. LFL stands for the Lingerie Football League. Yes, it is quite self explanatory in nature as far as what the “sport” is and what it entails…and quite honestly I’m disgusted. Ten different cities [some daring to represent whole STATES] have degraded their women into participating in this poor example of athletics. San Diego just happens to be a part of this practice alongside Los Angeles, Seattle, Dallas, Denver, Philadelphia, New York, Tampa, Chicago and Miami.

This organization embraces the idea of objectifying women. It makes it seem ok for other people, namely men, to view women in a way that makes them almost inhuman…practically like a mannequin. As I begrudged myself for even attempting to understand the LFL by watching a small portion of it last night I noticed something. As they panned the audience to show the organization’s support, 98% of them happened to be men; and of those 98%, approximately 60% were older than the 20-29 age range. The select women that happened to be in the audience seemed to be objectifying the players as well, however with a more admiring sense.

I happily applaud those who have chosen to take a stand against this injustice which is affecting women all around the world. These lies regarding beauty are being encompassed into media [TV shows, music, pictures and even dolls!] and on a constant basis being fed to young girls. However real artists like the very talented P!nk, have chosen to not only acknowledge but fight against it. Dove has also found their own way to combat these social ideals by launching a very successful NATURAL BEAUTY campaign.

I encourage men across the world to look for a woman who doesn’t have to WORK to be beautiful. A woman who is beautiful inside and out without make-up or a fake attitude/ body parts to play it off as real. The lord knows you will be happier with a woman that is genuine and natural compared to a woman that is not, anyway. Challenge yourselves to see beneath the skin and absorb the truth that is natural beauty. Give us “other” chicks a chance damn it. lol
☮ ♥ & ♫

Monday, April 20, 2009

Beyond the heart's beat

What is it about the heart that makes you unable to forget? I’ve often found myself wondering about this phenomenon from time to time. In most cases it’s the good things that we remember; the happy memories and blissful thoughts. But that doesn’t excuse those thoughts we’d classify as “other” or “undefined” from lurking in the shadows and eventually invading the surface of our daily pondering. For example, the not so happy thoughts about past relationships or traumatic events or even nightmares; no matter how hard you try to forget it, somehow it manages to resurface when you least expect it.

One thing that I have found quite peculiar about this phenomenon is the emotional reaction that inevitably ensues. Could it be tears as a result of a sorrowful revalidation of a horrible truth? Or is it an inerasable smile as you subliminally venture to your inner “happy place?” We often think that it is our brain that makes these emotional connections between thoughts of present and past. But I’m willing to argue that in fact it surpasses the complex mess that is our still widely misunderstood 3-pound nugget which we commonly refer to as our brain. In fact, I stand behind the claim that it is our hearts that enable us to enter the sentiment filled area of personal limbo.

Yes, we think with our brains, smell with our noses, and feel with our hands and feet… but it is the heart that is the driving force behind one’s capability to surpass a seemingly inevitable obstacle in the road of life, or succumb to the trenches of depression and our own mortality. It is this vital organ that not only creates and sustains passion, but also allows us as individuals to make decisions; whether they are right or wrong, it all comes down to one’s own personal interpretation based off of our morality deep within our souls.

The heart is an amazing organ… it can be stopped and started, shot at, broken, transplanted, suffer an attack, or even have a hole in it, and still manage to continue pumping in the end. I’ll be the first to admit that this isn’t always the case, but it’s true that the possibility for it to do so still remains. We as human beings experience a great many of things, both good and bad that ultimately make us who we are today physically, emotionally and most certainly spiritually.

I’ve come to terms with the fact that I am unable to turn back the hands of time though I would if I could in a heartbeat… but I think it is important to realize that you must learn form you every mistake and take away from it only what can better you as a person for the future. Teach your children the philosophy of Carpe Diem…Seize the day…absorb the precious time you have left with a love one because you never know when you will be forced to give it up. Keep your spirits as high as the clouds above, and let go of all of your self-restricting inhibitions. You were put on this earth as an individual, so don’t waste your time living you life trying to get the approval of others, but never forget who helped you along the way. Be thankful for the experiences that you did have rather than the ones that you didn’t… be good to Lady Karma and she will be good to you.

☮ ♥ & ♫