Saturday, April 10, 2010

To be or NOT to be... Stupid

DISCLAIMER: The following Blog is contextually complicated in its tactics to hide the identities of the people involved. I ask only that you read it slowly in order to fully comprehend what is being said about whomever I am attempting to speak of.

They say that stupidity isn’t crime. [Though many of us would like to indict otherwise.] Sadly, neither is a broken heart or being a victim of someone’s cruel mind games.

One of my biggest pet peeves is people who act like someone or something that they are not…namely, people who are fake and two-faced. I’ve had both the pleasure and the misfortune in meeting a great deal of people, some whom tragically fall into this specific category of jerk-off. What tends to irritate me most about these common folk is the fact that I don’t understand how their thought processes are truly validated.

Picture this for instance. You haven’t been given the ability to speak to a former dear friend in approximately 3 years—and no, it’s not from the lack of trying on YOUR behalf.—This singleton is the type who refuses to acknowledge your whole existence and denies the fact that he or she has ever even known you. He or she is also incapable of making decisions for him or herself and goes about his or her day putting you on blast to make him or herself seem better off. In addition—and this by golly is the kicker—he or she makes it a point to avoid you at all costs even if you happen to be in the same area code. Long story short, he or she has “spotters.” The minute you are realm of reality that has the potential to cross paths, they run. By this we learn that even if you invest effort into something, no matter how sincere, there is no guarantee that you’ll see any results…

Scenario number two. Say perhaps that you are interested in a particular creature—go with your own specific preference of gender or sex here—and you make it a point to get to know, befriend, and intimately study this being. Let’s say that for the most part there seems to be some sort of indefinable yet undeniable connection. In addition, THIS particular being, likes to sit on his or her hands whilst playing an epically long game of yo-yo with your heart and its emotions. OK? I don’t think so. Just because you deny it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Just because you intended it to mean something different, doesn’t meant that that’s the way it will be interpreted. Do yourself a favor buck-o, be honest and you might get something great out of it. But if you are truly not remotely interested…. Don’t continue to waste my or your time.

Stupidity; defined as the act of being tediously dull, lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind. Despite its clear definition, Stupidity still manages to maintain a variety of different forms; presumably any noun—proper or otherwise. Day in and day out, the American media feeds society a commercial form of stupidity. It subliminally influences the things people feel, think, and care about. It subconsciously convinces us that we need to look a certain way, date a certain type and believe a certain thing. Entertainment is no longer entertainment. It has become a sick embodiment of gossip and brainwashing; essentially, a paparazzo’s wet-dream. What happened to the days when the news consisted of something that actually had a direct impact on your life?

Though I’m not here to ignite a revolution, I’ve decided to make it a personal vendetta to get to the bottom of things. Long story short, I am going to continue to ask why…. In every aspect of life and its immediate surroundings…and If I don’t get an answer…. I will search for one until I do. You should do the same. Don’t turn your mind completely off just because it seems socially acceptable to do so. You have the right to have your voice heard and you have EVERY right to question why, so….. DO IT.

♥ & ♫